There's nothing quite like a fabulous massage to ease away stress and relieve tension.
Your worries float away as your muscles relax. Calmness flows through the mind and body. Massage is a great way to feel better, look better, treat people better and treat yourself better too.
What is massage?
Massage is a form of tissue manipulation which has developed over thousands of years. From ancient China to present day Europe it has been used for the promotion and restoration of health.
Massage is the use of hands or mechanical means, to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, particularly muscles. It can be used for relaxation, stimulation or rehabilitation of the whole body or part of it. It promotes suppleness of the muscles, improves circulation and reduces stress.
Regular massage strengthens and tones the entire body system.
What are its main benefits and effects?
Massage is:
SOOTHING: Touch is known to be soothing and comforting and massage uses touch to soothe and relax the body. Since 75% of disease is thought to be caused by stress, massage, which reduces stress, may well improve health.
STIMULATING: The systems of the body are stimulated and activated by massage. It therefore encourages improved circulation, aids digestion, waste removal and neural communication, invigorates and relaxes muscles thus preventing spasm and stiffness, speeds up skin renewal and promotes cell regeneration.
INSTINCTIVE: When we knock or hurt ourselves we often use our hands to rub or touch the affected place. Massage is an extension of this natural and instinctive method of soothing aches and pains.
COMFORTING: Touch is natural and comforting. People of all ages use touch to gain a sense of security and well being and consequently massage has psychological as well as physical benefits.
Massage benefits all the systems of the body:
SKELETAL: Massage can help increase joint mobility by reducing any thickening of the connective tissue.
MUSCULAR: It relieves muscular tightness, stiffness, spasms and restrictions in the muscle tissue and increases blood circulation bringing more oxygen and nutrients into the muscle.
CARDIOVASCULAR: Produces an enhanced blood flow.
LYMPHATIC: Massage increases lymphatic drainage and the removal of waste from the system.
NERVOUS: Massage helps calm the nervous system, helping promote relaxation and the reduction of stress. It also helps reduce pain by releasing endorphins.
SKIN: Massage improves circulation thus increasing nutrition to the cells and encouraging cell regeneration. This in turn, improves elasticity of the skin.
RESPIRATORY: Massage deepens respiration and improves lung capacity by relaxing any tightness in the respiratory muscles.
DIGESTIVE: Increases digestion in the large intestine, helping to relieve constipation, colic and gas.
URINARY: It increases urinary output due to increased circulation and lymph drainage from the tissues.
PHYSIOLOGICAL: Massage reduces stress and anxiety by relaxing both mind and body. It creates a feeling of well being and enhanced self esteem
What does a massage treatment entail?
The first treatment is usually the longest as this involves a full consultation. I will then set up the couch and begin your treatment as you lie back and drift away to the relaxation music.
How much does it cost?
1 hour tailored massage - £65
Call Sarah on 07757 218696 or email to book an appointment. GIFT VOUCHERS ALSO AVAILABLE. Payments accepted - cash, card & bank transfer.